Does anyone here have experience with a Linksys WPC54G and Gentoo? I've installed the ndiswrappers according to the gentoo HOW-TO and installed the correct driver for the wireless card. The card is detected just fine, however when it tries to associate with an AP it always fails. I've tried setting the parameters manually with iwconfig and then running dhcpcd, however it doesn't get an IP. According to iwconfig it is seeing the AP but not pulling an IP. Any help with this would be much appreciated. I'd like to get this running. Thanks, -- Chuck Haines chaines@gmail.com http://www.maxslack.com ------------------------------------------- Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity TKE-ZM Web Coordinator ECE Systems Administrator ------------------------------------------- AIM: CyberGrex YIM: CyberGrex_27 ICQ: 3707881 ------------------------------------------- GPG Fingerprint: 303A AB50 4EA9 70ED 2E30 2368 C9CD CCB5 4BD7 0989 GPG Key: http://www.maxslack.com/gpgkey.txt