doug> OK that means no kissing! :-) And I'm still fighting it. I might not be making it saturday. We'll see... doug> The box is up in Lancaster. It is a Unisys EVC-142. There are no doug> manuals available --- it was a second hand purchase. I can find doug> nothing about it on the web. :-( Ugh. Not good. doug> It has a 540 meg hard drive, the 8 meg you know about, and we doug> jury-rigged a CDrom drive on it (by jury-rigged I mean there was doug> only one IDE cable and it would not reach both the hard drive doug> and the CDrom if both were in the available bays so we simply doug> left the case open with the CD drive lying on a book on top.) That could do the trick for now. If we setup the system with a CDROM drive and a floppy drive, we can use the Oxygen LRP distribution, which has all the packages and stuff on CDROM, and the config on a write protected floppy. Or the standard LRP with a single floppy should work as well. doug> Bad news and good news here :-). The modem is internal. However doug> it is Listed as OK on the Linux Modem Compatibility list. It is doug> a US Robotics Model 0584 56K ISA. That should be ok. doug> Incidentally, the NIC cards they have are all 3COM model 3C509B doug> and there is a 3c509 module which seems to work ok with them. This is good too, since I think LRP supports these out of the box pretty much. These are PCI, right? Or are they ISA? Do you have the PPP dialout number, username and password yet as well? It might make sense to try and pre-configure an LRP diskette with all the info needed and see if it would just boot right from the start. I can take my existing images at home which are known to work and try to update them or this setup. Please realize that this box would be dedicated to LRP only, no real user logins allowed/needed? John