I would be interested in SIP & internet telephony. Would LOVE an open source, low cost (server) alternative to Skype. Not attached to when a presentation like this might happen, but would like to hear how someone made this work. Tried Ekiga and I think one other several years ago... it worked but the sound was horrible. Hopefully the technology has progressed considerably since then.

Liz J

On 14 October 2014 18:59, Keith Wright <kwright@keithdiane.us> wrote:
Tim Keller <turbofx@gmail.com> writes:

> I figure we're half way through October at
> this point, we should start thinking about
> what we'd like talk about for a topic next
> month.

Start thinking?  Was it Curly Howard who said:
"I'm trying, but nothing happens"?

Actually, I thought the young dude sitting
next to me, whose name I forget, semi-voluteered
to talk about SIP and internet telephony.

I hope he remembers and tells this list
who he is and whether he is ready.

> One area that's of interest to me with
> young kids is educational programs that
> work on linux.

Is that a proposal, or a RFP?

  -- Keith
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