Hi Michael, I didn't try but may be you can try the container alternative: https://jitsi.org/news/jitsi-meets-docker/ good luck On Thu, 9 Apr 2020 at 21:41, Michael Voorhis via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> wrote:
Has anyone here built a functional jitsi server? I tried today, with a fresh Debian-10 install and the jitsi "quick-install" method:
It didn't work. jitsi logs indicated a java problem; I had neither the time nor really the inclination to debug their "stable" install.
My two test-laptops were able to connect to meet.jit.si and communicated with eachother using the "free" jitsi server, but when the same two laptops were connected to the server I'd just built, the two failed to connect.
I'll try again tomorrow. The next immediate challenge will be purging the traces of the failed first experiment from the system.