June 4, 2003
2:53 p.m.
On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Karl Hiramoto wrote: <snip> KH> when i do rpm --rebuilddb it hangs. I have to do a kill -9 to fix KH> it. I can't install any rpm's KH> KH> KH> If i reboot my box I can use RPM again. however only to install one KH> rpm. After that, i must reboot again to use another rpm. KH> KH> KH> Any ideas? <snip> Karl, I've been in the same position. Here's what seems to work. In /var/lib/rpm, there are 3 database files __db.00?. Put them someplace for safekeeping, then rebuild your database. Apparently, there are some operations that can give you a corrupt database, and rebuilding with "rpm --rebuilddb" doesn't fix it. You have to start from scratch. The good news is that you don't lose anything. Bill