At 8/3/2003 09:21 PM (Sunday), Matt Higgins wrote:
This is a pretty grim view of things with respect to public schools.
Yeah, it is a rather grim view. I am pretty discouraged by the attitudes I've seen in schools (public and private) over the past couple of decades. On a positive note, if what I said has not completely discouraged YOU then perhaps you have the energy (or secret decoder ring) necessary to prevail. Hope so!
I know a few teachers here in Worcester who would disagree with most of your comments.
Like I said, there are always a few people who maintain a hopeful outlook.
However I do agree with some of what you have to say. Schools and the school system are often slow to adopt new technologies and the beaurocracy that its central administration here in Worcester would be a tough challenge.
That's my main point. School systems are far more difficult to move than most businesses. Good luck with it!