Hey Gang, Sorry for the late notice... Kids, school, etc. Firstly, we will be meeting in Rm. 203 Stratton Hall: http://maps.wpi.edu/map/?id=609#!ce/6603,11184?ct/11184?m/105250 Speaking of which, our topic is going to be about STEAM (Science Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) oriented educational things that are built with or work on linux. Basically I see this as a round table for people to talk about some of the cool stuff that's out there for kids these days. I've got scratch loaded on my machine so I can give a demo of that. I've also got Alice and google blocks as well. I'll also bring along my copy of snap circuits. This is an open venue. Feel free to do some research and find something cool. Like always, there will be refreshments provided and we'll convene at Tech Pizza afterwards to continue to banter. Thanks, Tim. -- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".