On Fri, Apr 05, 2002 at 11:01:11PM -0500, Josh Huber wrote:
Yeah, I guess I look at it a different way -- if they're too incompetent to hit "reply" in their email client, I probably don't want to talk to them anyway...
Hah... too bad in my industry, incompetence is pretty common. And the more incompetent, the more likely you are to be promoted. So the most incompetent ones are the ones I can't afford to ignore. ;)
With TMDA you can use the tmda-pending utility to show a list of messages which are unconfirmed. Some people seem to like having cron send them a daily list of messages in the unconfirmed list. (or, perhaps a list of new messages in the pending directory...)
That's a good point. If I don't want to make people reply to confirmation messages, I could simply run a whitelist by default, /dev/null all the blacklisted items, and inspect the "purgatory" spool once a week or so to update both lists. -Chuck