From: Richard Klein <richspk@gmail.com>
Hmm... Have you ever called Speakeasy and asked them to set up reverse DNS for you? I seem to recall that's something they have to do on their end.
Yes. As I said, that was all done years ago. Though actually I never called them. It was done via email. You might think that answering email would be the basic entry level requirement, the sine qua non/nada/zilch, that any moron would learn to do before becoming an ISP. Sadly, most Idiot Service Providers seem to be totally unable to answer email from customers. They are only interested in phone calls from people who have no email. Speakeasy has someone who knows what is and who answers email at 2am Sunday faster than most of them can get an sales droid to pick up the phone during business hours. Anyway, I run a primary name server while they run a couple of secondaries and reverse DNS. I think I may have an officially "dynamic" IP address, but it was set up before DHCP. Speakeasy gave me an address when I signed up and since then neither of us have had any reason to touch it. -- Keith