On Thursday 18 July 2002 10:26 pm, Wesley Allen wrote:
I know I should just go to the site, but how was the last meeting? I was hoping to make this my first meeting but I ended up in a medical clinic with my 11 week old son instead (a 102.5 fever is NOT GOOD). He's doing well; I'm not.
I'd like to come out, but I'd feel REALLY stupid coming to a BBQ for my first time; talk about bush league!
HI Wes, I have 3 kids...I know what you mean, and one of them is only 7 weeks old. The others are 6 yrs and 4 yrs. Come on over and meet WLUG and see if we're the kind of group that will interest you. If we have the BBQ as stated, then you're more than welcome to show up. If not, we'll just have our regular meeting in Kinnicutt Hall at WPI, and you can still show up and be welcomed. :-) If you bring a Microsoft box to the meeting for any purpose other than target practice, and you won't be welcomed. Pretty simple, eh? :-) :-) I haven't posted anything on the WLUG website about our last meeting, but here's how it went. I brought my new laptop with my wireless access point and my wireless network card. Chuck Anderson brought his laptop, cat5 cable, and his hub. We established a connection between the two computers and showed the crowd how we did it. We did not prepare anything in advance, so the 1 or 2 snags that we hit (and quickly fixed) ended up being more realistic to the audience. Many folks commented that they liked this style over the formal presentation style (which seldom says what to do when things *don't* work). Later, Andy -- Andy Stewart, Founder Worcester Linux Users' Group Worcester, MA USA http://www.wlug.org