"Tim Keller <turbofx@gmail.com>" <SRS0=utBu=KU=mail.wlug.org=wlug-bounces@srs.wpi.edu> writes:
Despite my assertions that I was going to take notes, I didn't.
Here's what I remember, feel free to add anything that I've forgotten.
1. Encryption deep dive with my buddy Nick. (I've already spoken to him and he's excited to speak) 2. Setting up an radio station using open source software: Greg. 3. Talk about Open Computer Vision: Tim. 4. Talk about digital currency. ? 5. Logan wanted to speak about something?
Have I forgot anything or do people have any more ideas?
If there is interest, I could give a presentation on the newest storage technology: persistent memory. http://newsroom.intel.com/community/intel_newsroom/blog/2015/07/28/intel-and... https://www.sandisk.com/about/media-center/press-releases/2015/sandisk-and-h... Cheers, Jeff