Have you tried to ping the loopback address? I know that a fried card won't respond to lo replies ( in Windows, but I'm not sure what the behavior is in *NIX. That being said, if the loopback interface isn't up then we have our answer. I wish I could tell you that I have an extra sbus card kicking around but I don't :( -- Eric Martin Key fingerprint = D1C4 086E DBB5 C18E 6FDA B215 6A25 7174 A941 3B9F Ken Jones wrote:
I just looked inside my ULTRA SPARC ONE. The ethernet I/O appears to be embedded in the big mother board. That is not good if I am correct.
Any suggestions??
Ken Jones
Meanwhile my SUN ULTRA running as an Aurora SPARC SAMBA file server since 1993 has been chugging along just fine.
I live in Fitchburg. We have been without power for nine days. 110 volts came up yesterday evening. Much to my chegrin my SUN was unhappy. I used a rescueCD to boot. All came back except my ethernet card. It would not start. The little light at the far end on the IP cord does not glow...
--------- /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart
says, "Bringing up interface eth0: Determining IP information for eth0 ... failed. [FAILED]"
The card is claimed to be a 'sunlance' card.
Any ideas? Is the card fried do you think?
I have a second SPARC machine. It's ethernet was working last time it was powered. Must I swap?
Ken Jones