On Friday 18 April 2003 1:41 pm, John Stoffel wrote:
Hi all,
Can someone post a summary of the presentation on the Digital Video Recorder Tim did earlier this week? I'm interested in learning more, but I wasn't able to make the meeting.
HI John et al, I posted a brief summary on the WLUG website, under Past Meeting Information. If anybody wants to embelish the description, please send me your suggestions and I'll post them. In fact, I found the talk so interesting that I just went out and bought the Hauppauge PVR-350. When it shows up, I'll have somthing with which to play. The MythTV website said that the CVS version of their software now (mostly) works with this card. We'll see... :-) It was a good talk! Thanks, Tim! Andy -- Andy Stewart, Founder Worcester Linux Users' Group Worcester, MA USA http://www.wlug.org