Guys, I've got some STM8 bluepill boards and a spare knock off ST-Linkv2 programmer if anyone is interested. I was playing around with them this weekend and the lack of a decent IR Library meant that my interest has waned. They're cheap cheap chear, and interesting as a way to learn more low level programming. I can give you my linux notes if you like too! Or if you know of a library for STM8 that does both send/receive of IR codes, I'd love to hear about it. I'd trade for an AVR ISP programmer instead if anyone has one, since I'm now more interested in ATtiny 85/84/88/841 boards these days. I won't be able to make meetings (unless maybe if you have one the 16th of this January) for a while though, so we'd have to arrange a meetup or something. Cheers! John