Sands> Settin' up the box I won at the last WLUG meeting. I wanna Sands> get it on the network here at work. When I watch the boot Sands> messages, I see "eth0 LANCE <mac address>" and "eth0 using Sands> auto-carrier-detection", but i don't see an entry for /dev/eth0 Sands> when i look there. I can ping the local loopback, but when I Sands> try to use DHCP in linuxconf to let it grab an address, but in Sands> ifconfig, i still only see the entry for the local loopback. Sands> Is there a different location for the eth0 device? Any hints? Sands> Anything would be appreciated. Thanx everyone. The box should already be semi setup to use an address between, or something like that. I don't remember exactly what I used and I'm not at home to check. The LANCE part is the ethernet chip, eth0 is the interface you need to use to access the net. Do you have any errors in the log file when you run dhcpd on the box? It might need to have some stuff put into /etc/dhcpd.conf to get it working right. I can check this at home if need be. And if need be, I can rip a copy of RH 6.1 for Sparc and bring it to the next meeting for those who'd like to get packages for it. John