Oct. 5, 2001
7:12 p.m.
OK - another is a series of product recomendation questions... Anyone have a favorite graphical threaded email reader that supports multiple POPs and/or IMAP? This, of course, excludes Netscape (can't have multiple POPs nor a mix of POP and IMAP accounts). I'm currently using the KDE mail app that comes with RedHat 6.2 (will be upgrading to RH 7.1 in about 10 minutes), but it isn't exactly stellar... You can't do much of anything while it cheks for new mail, and it isn't threaded. Regards, Steve ______________________________ Stephen C. Daukas stephen@daukas.com (508) 845-9809 - Home (508) 845-5015 - Fax (508) 612-2149 - Mobile