The curent line from the fstab is as follows: hostname:/home /home nfs rsize=4096,wsize=4096,bg,intr,rw,actimeo=15 0 0 Where hostname is replaced with the name of the machine I am mounting the /home from. Chuck On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 12:23:52 -0400, Dwight A. Ernest <dwight@significant.com> wrote:
With what options did you mount the volume on the client?
Chuck Haines wrote:
I have an interesting problem that is occuring. I have a /home directory on a file server and I have several login servers that mount this /home directory via NFS. Now this /home directory has a ton of files and directorys (about 2000 user accounts). I noticed that when I perform a copy of a large file ( I tested with a 50 MB file) on a login server from something like /tmp to the NFS mounted /home, the load average on the file server jumps up to over 7, and seems to take forever (around 3-4 minutes). If I copy a large file (once again I tested with 50 MB) from the NFS mounted /home to like /tmp on the login server, there is no noticable load average increase and it occurs in approximately 10-15 seconds. So it seems that writes to the NFS mounted /home are taking longer than they should and are spiking the load average. Both the file server and the login servers are dual P3's with 2 gigs of ram. Has anyone ever seen anything like this, or knows of any solutions to this problem?
Thanks, Chuck
-- Chuck Haines chaines@gmail.com ------------------------------------------- Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity WPI Class of 2005 ------------------------------------------- AIM: CyberGrex YIM: CyberGrex_27 ICQ: 3707881 -------------------------------------------