From: Viper <viper@2ghz.net>
As far as I knew real programmers do use debuggers unless we all have become perfect coders for some crazy reason now.
I thought about trying one a few times in the past twenty years, but it was always more trouble to install the debugger and figure out how it works than to just "fix the damn thing". Mostly I just use printf, writeln, jsr outstr, or whatever it's called, and think really hard. But then, I learned to program when it was done by turning in the card deck in the morning and then coming back just before midnight to see what it did. You learn to be careful that way, but I don't really recommend it. -- -- Keith Wright <kwright@free-comp-shop.com> Programmer in Chief, Free Computer Shop <http://www.free-comp-shop.com> --- Food, Shelter, Source code. ---