2 x 4TB, RAID 1, I prefer to boot from them (hmmm...although not booting from them is an excuse to buy an SSD for the boot drive...) I already use ZFS on FreeNAS, but I'm wary of using ZFS on Linux since it is a third-party addon, you must recompile it every time the kernel changes, etc. I never liked having to do that for the Nvidia driver. Losing your video display is one thing, losing access to your data is much worse... On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 06:19:19AM -0400, Tim Keller wrote:
Since I use zfs on a daily basis, I'd be glad to talk about it.
How big are these drives? While you can use zfs as your boot FS, I think I'd stick with lvm/ext4 for / and / boot. I'd then carve out a big data space and use zfs for that. Are these disks going to raided?
Thanks, Tim.
On Tuesday, April 28, 2015, Chuck Anderson <cra@wpi.edu> wrote:
I'm migrating to new large drives and would lke to take advantage of a filesystem that has integrated data and metadata checksums. How well does ZFS on Linux really work? What is the current status of BTRFS? Which one would you trust your precious data to? I've been out of the loop lately... This would be a great meeting topic! "How to set up ZFS on Linux and/or BTRFS". Any takers?