Hi all... I have a "headless" laptop that works fine, except that it hasn't got the LCD screen (hence the "headless" part). I'd like to rig it as a firewall between a home LAN and the 'Net. I would LIKE to have it basically sit there and watch the LAN and connect to the 'Net only when someone on the LAN needs to get to the Outside World (for surfing, mailruns, etc), then disconnect after a respectable (configurable?) amount of idle time. I've been looking into modem-sharing, but that doesn't seem to be what I want, exactly. I have a pretty-good idea that I'll be playing with the LRP stuff, but I really would like to utilize the 2.4 kernel (LRP is only at 2.0/2.2 as far as I can see). Has anyone been doing something like this already? Hints/tips/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. -- William Smith wsmith@chezsmith.com Fall River, MA http://www.chezsmith.com