Sept. 13, 2002
1:37 a.m.
On Thursday 12 September 2002 08:57 pm, Wesley Allen wrote:
John, I know they just solved this issue with a new version of qtopia desktop, Linux should sync fine now. Why they didn't do this from the get go, who knows? Good question. Syncing on the Ipaq has always worked, but syncing on zuarus with linux is a new addition.
Anyone with iPAQ running linux, how do you sync with Linux? I have actually never tried to sync with my ipaq (i mostly use FreeBSD as my workstation, and QT's sync software doesn't run on FreeBSD). There has been some work on getting sync framework in place for KDE called KitchenSync. I don't know where this project stands (it is scheduled to be in 3.1 release, but i don't know how realistic that is).