Sorry everyone. We had more spam problems on the WLUG Mailing List last night, and in the process of trying to remove that user I accidentally removed everyone. I partly blame the poor Admin user interface of Postorius--it has a "Unsubscribe All" button at the top of the Member list even if that list has been filtered and says "List Members (1)" due to the filter. So it is easy to misinterpret "All" as being just the Members that are currently listed due to the filter. I went through a backup of the member list I have from 2018, edited the list based on all the subscription/remove requests since then, and resubscribed everyone who hadn't removed themselves since. I could have missed some email addresses, so I apologize if you have been accidentally resubscribed when you shouldn't have been--feel free to email me directly and I'll fix that. I could have also missed some new subscriptions, so if you know someone who should be subscribed but complains that they are no longer receiving posts, please let them know to resubscribe. I'm not sure if each user's subscription options have been retained, so if you had set no email delivery or digest mode for example, you may have to reconfigure that. Finally, I have configured the mailing list to require moderator approval for new membership requests and posts from all existing members until I know that the member isn't a spammer. Over the next few days I'll be going through the member list and unsetting moderation on "known good" members.