hey doodz... oi...andy...i hear you met my other half...he's that whacky spaniard guy named christian...he used to work @ ScreamDesign? :) anyway, what's the dilly with the installfest? is it still on for wednesday night? hope so...that would be SWEET! i would like to attend. i would like to chug grog with fellow gear/penguin/devil heads. give me da heads up!!! peace and GOD BLESS THE FREAKIN' WORLD... terrorism sucks... -- ==//> Jeffrey Michael Reed ==//> Metro West Boston Linux User Group ==//> Co-founder/Administrator ==//> HTML, PHP, GNU/Linux ==//> ==//> Phunky Phresh stuff about... ==//> GNU/Linux, Hacking, Humor, ==//> Movies, Music, Programming, ==//> and Underground News about ==//> the Revolution... ==//> ==//> http://www.linuxbusca.com ==//> ==//> Favorite OS: Debian ==//> Favorite food: Lasagna ==//> Favorite brew: Guinness ==//> Favorite music: Mr. Bungle