Richard Klein wrote, on Apr 01, 2007 at 14:04 EDT:
Chuck Noyes wrote:
Hi All,
I'm trying to copy a 7.9GB tgz file to an external USB drive. The external drive is 500GB. About half way through the cp process, I get the error message:
8119 file size limit exceeded cp maui-Sun.tgz /media/My\ Book/chuck/
There's plenty of space on the USB drive. I'm running 'edgy eft' on a laptop.
Any ideas on what might be going on here??
What's the file system on the external drive? FAT32? My guess is that you're exceeding the file size limit of that file system.
Indeed. FAT16 can only support files up to 2GB, and FAT32 can only support files up to 4GB. I haven't heard of a FAT64 yet, but NTFS can support files up to 1 exabyte (1x10^6 terabytes). (Or was that exbibyte...?) -- Aaron Haviland