Bradley> I’m considering a move from a traditional (and proprietary) Bradley> PBX to something open-source that i can manage. I know very Bradley> little about this, so i’m trying to understand if my goal is Bradley> even possible. Given that our provider (i.e. gatekeeper) is Bradley> Comcast, i worry they prevent running self-hosted VOIP Bradley> boxes. Currently the office has 4 lines supplied by Bradley> comcast. The comcast cable modem has 4 telephone lines going Bradley> into a Panasonic PBX, which they dispatch the calls to the Bradley> POTS phones. I want to replace the Panasonic PBX since its Bradley> proprietary and requires a call into the phone company to Bradley> change anything. Bradley> I have very little knowledge in this area, so i’m wondering Bradley> if anyone here has had experience in this area. At my church we have used 8x8 for VOIP service with some cisco VOIP phones, without problems. Though the cost got too much for us over time. For a business, maybe the first step would be to move to an external VOIP provider like 8x8 before you try to selfhost. If you have a comcast business service, with static IPs, then I'm going to assume you would be all set to host your own PBX. But for four lines... running asterix might be more than you want to do. Though I'm sure there are some vendors out there who will provide on-premise asterix solutions. The tricky part, I think, is getting your numbers ported over, especially if you're doing it yourself. Again, I'd do with a hosted solution, then play with asterix using a fifth number as a self hosted solution. John