Marc> I agree. The pvr card I'm looking at comes with a remote that Marc> looks pretty decent. One thing I wish my tivo had was a 30 Marc> second jump ahead. That's something I plan on binding to one of Marc> the remote buttons. The TiVo does have this feature, it's just not enabled by default. You need to do the following, from memory: Start playing a recorded program. Hit the following key sequence: Select Play Select 3 0 Select That should now make the skip to end/beginning button jump forward 30 seconds at a time.
I've been on the fence about MythTV for a long time now, just not sure which card to get. It's between the Hauppauge 250, 350, and new 500 cards. I just haven't done enough research to find out if the HW decoding in the 350 or the two tuners in the 500 are supported in Linux. The 250 is normally the sure bet except I have a really old
Marc> The hardware decoding in the hauppauge 350 is supported. It Marc> also has audio and video out, so you don't need to have a Marc> seperate video or sound card. That's the one I'm looking at Marc> picking up. Marc> I also want this for a dvd player, so that's one other bonus Marc> over the tivo. Now if you could combine both features into a single quiet box that was the same size as TiVo, I'd be interested. I also like how the Myth stuff will let you have a server in one location, and player(s) elsewhere. That gives alot of flexibility... It would also be great have to have dual Haupagge 350s in a box, so you can record two programs at the same time, while watching either a stored program, or one of the recording ones. John