On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Doug Chamberlin wrote:
Third, there are hundreds of thousands of developers using Delphi who now can use their familiar development environment to do Linux applications. I believe this will have a major impact on the Linux world and give C a run for its money. Will it supplant C? Of course not! Will it provide a credible alternative? You bet!
Like Me! I've been doing Delphi for the past 4 years at my job. Up until now, it's been Delphi at work, PERL/C/PHP/etc. at home. This Monday I'm starting a Linux job... you better believe that I'm going to push to get a copy of Kylix there! I more relate Delphi (and hence Kylix) with Java in programming style. It just "feels" more like Java, just about everything passed by reference, meager garbage collection, and kick ass utility classes. But the real power is in the development environment, not the language. I can slap together a nice looking application that does something usefull in half a day. Using GTK or QT it takes me that long just to get the GUI right. Expect to see a lot more graphical applications (even tho most will be crap) as soon as the Free version is released. -Marc