On Thu, 9 Aug 2001, Wesley Allen wrote:
Are there any speadsheets that have either been created for familiar linux or Embedded QT? The QTpalmtop web site has got some screen shots, and one has a link to a spreadsheet, but they don't mention it and I can't find the package anywhere. Unfortuately, I've got to have a spreadsheet so I can keep track of hours and expenses and such, so I'm kinda stuck, maybe I shoulda gotten a vr3?
qpe does have a spreadsheet package. I've never used it so I can't say anything more then that it exists. If I remember I'll load it on tonight and post a mini review.
Also, are there any utilities out there that would allow me to do irsync with palms?
This gets a little more complicated... I'm not sure if the tools exist to do a full sync with a plam, but people have connected and zapped files back and forth. Scott