Hello... Here is something for people interested in the Perl programming language. Conference registration for Yet Another Perl Conference North America 2005 has just opened. YAPC is the grass-roots, all-volunteer annual Perl conference. Because it is volunteer-driven it is very affordable. Because the volunteers are passionate about Perl its quality is very high. If this has sparked your interest please take a look at the details here and more details on the conference web site. Have any questions? You can contact the conference organizers by email at: na-help@yapc.org Thanks for reading! ----------> Yet Another Perl Conference, North America, 2005 Registration now open. Conference dates: Monday - Wednesday 27 - 29 June 2005 Location: 89 Chestnut Street http://89chestnut.com/ University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada Info at: http://yapc.org/America http://yapc.org/America/register-2005.shtml Direct registration: http://donate.perlfoundation.org/index.pl?node=registrant%20info&conference_... Full registration fee $85 (USD) Book now for great deals on accommodations and ensure a space for yourself. Speaking slots are still open. If you would like to present at YAPC::NA 2005, see: http://yapc.org/America/cfp-2005.shtml Details of this announcement: http://yapc.org/America/registration-announcement-2005.txt <----------