From: "Martin, Eric" <MartinE@worc.k12.ma.us> Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 09:04:50 -0400 Had the same problem. I needed a 450W power supply. The video card is wicked intensive. I built a machine with similar specs...Try a PCI video card and it should work fine There are lots of different power supplies out there; last time I saw a review some are much better than others. Antec ones are supposed to be very good (I have one). That said, my previous system had power-on stability issues (when the system was powered on, it frequently wouldn't boot, and would usually take multiple boots to recognize everything). It originally had a cheap 300W supply, which I replaced with an Antec 400'ish supply (don't remember which one) to try to cure it. It didn't work. -----Original Message----- From: track@trackspace.com [mailto:track@trackspace.com] Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 5:30 PM To: wlug@mail.wlug.org Subject: Re: [Wlug] Local service/repair recommendations In case it matters, the mobo is an Abit NF7 with a single DIMM of 512MB RAM (Crucial), an AMD Athlon 2400+ processor, an ATI Radeon 9600XT video card and it's powered by a 400W power supply. I bought all the parts from New Egg about 7 months ago, put it together and haven't had a single problem save for this.