Oct. 31, 2002
4:50 p.m.
Hello: Please help me get this straight. I am confused. I have a dnscache running at home on a DMZ network. I would like to know if I can have friends on other networks (in the Internet) to use my server as their resolver server? I have a firewall in place but, I'm directing all the udp traffic to port 53 to my dns-server; also my dnscache server is accepting connections from those networks ip's. Can I do this or do I need to register ($$$$$) a the dns-server? Thanks in advance for your help.... ===== "An ounce of gold cannot buy an ounce of time." - Anonymous www.whmicro.com __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? HotJobs - Search new jobs daily now http://hotjobs.yahoo.com/