Andre Lehovich wrote, on Feb 12, 2007 at 23:29 EST:
--- Aaron Haviland <orion@parsed.net> wrote:
I'm curious to know if there are any good cafe's with free wireless in the southern Worcester county area. Bonus points if they have pool tables and comfy couches.
A small list of free wifi spots in Worcester: http://www.worcesteractivist.org/wiki/Free_Wi-Fi_Hotspots
Excellent! Thank you.
Also, as my laptop has a tendancy to not work (I think it's a bad connection in the video component of the mobo), and I'm relatively broke at the moment, are there any places with public terminals available?
Many public libraries have terminals available.
Ah, sorry about my lack of specificity. Public terminals that allow ssh, and in a somewhat noisy environment (because I honestly can't get *any* coding done without a certain amount of background noise) -- Aaron