Bored? Feel the need to go to a room and dodge spinning blades? I have the solution: http://identicalsoftware.com/simplediscroom/SimpleDiscRoom.html Arrow keys move. Don't touch the blades. What is this you ask? Disc Room is a new game coming out (closed source). I stumbled on the Disc Room Game Jam to promote the game. A game jam is sort of a contest. You have a short period of time 24 hour up to generally a month to develop a game. They generally have a theme you need to incorporate and possibly other restrictions. They may or may not have a prize or even judging. Disc Room Game Jam wants people to develop disc room like in their game. They released a simple disc room written in Game Maker, a closed source game development program. I decided to use the time to learn Godot, an open source game development program. I recreated their sample with only slight changes. The version on my web site doesn't have the update with sounds at the moment. If you want to edit it: https://github.com/dulsi/SimpleDiscRoom You will need Godot 3.2. (Which is not in Fedora 32 so I've been using a beta of Fedora 33 in a virtual machine.) Would people be interested in a presentation on Godot? -- Dennis Payne dulsi@identicalsoftware.com https://social.freegamedev.net/channel/dulsi