LOPSA East 2014 starts in one week! All the talks have been scheduled, all the tutorials and instructors have been book, now all you need to do is show up, right? In http://scottberkun.com/essays/24-how-to-get-the-most-out-of-conferences/ Scott Berkun (author of five books, including _The Year Without Pants_) states: "There is no better way to meet others and access the most interesting and friendly people than participating." The good news is that even this late in the game, there's still a way you you to participate: Lightning Talks! Lightning Talks are a series of five-minute talks (no slides!) where enthusiasm is paramount and almost anything that might be of interest to sysadmins is on-topic. Have an idea for a talk or tutorial for a future conference you want to try out? Give a Lightning Talk. Want to share a cool new trick with your peers? Give a Lightning Talk. Have an idea for a tool and want feedback? Give a Lightning Talk. Want to convince your peers to change how they do their jobs, or quit their jobs, or not to make the same mistake you did, or step away from the keyboard and learn to cook? Give a Lightning Talk. The Lightning Talks session is Saturday, May 3rd, at 3:30 p.m. There's room for at least nine talks, more if people use fewer than their allotted time (five minutes). To sign up for a Lightning Talk, send email to <lightningtalks@lopsaeast.org> or contact the Lightning Talks coordinator (Adam Moskowitz) at the conference and sign up in person. Talk slots are on a first-come, first-served basis; there will be a waiting list, and if there's time at the end of the session you can just step up to the microphone without signing up in advance (but don't count on this as all the slots are usually taken). Remember: Five minutes (hard limit), no slides, pretty much any topic. Yes, even cooking -- if you can find a way to tie it to system administration. There's no easier way to actively participate in the conference than to give a Lightning Talk! Best regards, Evan & the rest of the LOPSA-East Committee