Micheal Bonner wrote:
Hello.. It is Micheal here.. I am useing Mandrake 10.0 and KDE 3.2 I have FireFox pr 1.0 and ThunderBird .8.. How can I make firefox see Link in ThunderBird and Visa Vera .. I guess I am saying " How do I make FireFox the Default Browser ?"
The way I do it: add these 3 lines to your thunderbird user.js file (under ~/.thunderbird/<profileName>/<saltString>/user.js): user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.ftp", "/path/to/launch-firefox"); user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.http", "/path/to/launch-firefox"); user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.https", "/path/to/launch-firefox"); Change the paths to point to this executable shell script: #!/bin/sh export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/opt/firefox/current export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME # get URL to load url=$1; [ -z $url ] && url=about:blank # try xremote first $MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME/mozilla-xremote-client openURL\($url,new-tab\) && exit 0 # if xremote failed, then launch the browser exec $MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME/firefox $url Change the path of MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME to the dir containing your firefox executable. I also have a script called launch-tbird which can be used with the mozex plugin to allow mailto: URLs to launch a thunderbird compose window. Here's that one: #!/bin/sh url="$1" export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/opt/thunderbird/current if [ $(pidof thunderbird-bin | wc -w) -gt 4 ]; then # thunderbird is running url=`echo "$url" | sed -e's/^mailto://'` $MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME/thunderbird -remote "mailto($url)" else # thunderbird is not running $MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME/thunderbird -P default -compose $url fi The mozex plugin (http://mozex.mozdev.org/index.html) will allow you to set a command for mailto, use: /path/to/launch-tbird %r Make sure you restart firefox and thunderbird after making all these changes... That's about it, I think the newer firefox tries to avoid the extra steps but I'll stick with what works for me. BR