Basically, it looks as though none of the "free" CMS software applications are actually turn-key out-of-the-box. Some offer a better base to work from than others, but everyhting I have seen in the last week or so has convinced me that you have to get under the hood in some way for some reason. Not that I'm done digging, but it looks like no matter which way you choose to go, you will have to do two things: 1. Write some of your own code, and 2: Gain some pretty intimate understanding of how the chosen system actually works so you can accomplish #1. If my guess is correct, I'll end up using Perl, PhP, mySQL, and probably WML on running on Linux/Apache. ;-) I am hoping to start with a project already out there and go from there... But I'll be digging around for a little while longer... Steve Brett Russ wrote:
Stephen C. Daukas wrote:
By way of FYI... In all of my digging, I have found a fair bit of information regarding phpnuke, most of it bad.
So, looks like postnuke has picked up where phpnuke left off? The dig continues... ;-)
FWIW, I started off with postnuke after reading similar experiences. This was a while ago but I was not impressed with it. I "fell back" to phpnuke and, while I am not very impressed with it either, it does the job.
So it sounds like Zope requires quite a bit of programming just to get running? Or is there a default setup that offers most of what people need in a basic CMS?