I have an Epson Stylus Color 870 which works great under Linux, so let me take a stab at helping out here. Basic stuff: if you cannot cat a file to /dev/lp0, then you probably have a kernel related problem. That will need to be fixed first. Jeff's earlier e-mail explains in brief how to do this. Try something like this: cat/.cshrc > /dev/lp0 OK, once that works, you know that the kernel is OK. Now, for the fun part! There are a ton of *great* Epson printer drivers as part of Robert Krawitz's gimp-print package (I know Robert professionally). When tied into the CUPS printing system, you can print anything using those drivers as well as print directly from the GIMP. These drivers are of high quality, although a tad slow occasionally at the higher resolutions. These drivers can be tied into ghostscript, but it is not a task for the faint of heart. I double checked, and Robert's driver code definitely supports the Epson stylus color 660 printer. A previous reply mentioned the Epson 640, which is also supported. FYI, this code also supports printers from Canon, Compaq, HP, Lexmark, and Okidata. To find this software, go to: http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/gimp-print http://www.cups.org I personally like CUPS a whole lot better than lpr or lprng. The web interface alone makes it worthwhile to me. My 2 cents worth, devalued for inflation..... Later, Andy -- Andy Stewart, Founder Worcester Linux Users' Group Worcester, MA USA http://www.wlug.org On Wednesday 02 May 2001 10:49, you wrote:
I have been making myself at home in KDE 1.1.2 under Linux 2.2.15-4mdk and have managed to slowly get most functionality off of the old Windows half of the dual boot drive. There is one major impediment to moving over entirely: I cannot print. I have an Epson Stylus Color 660, and can not make it work, reconfigure and test as I try. If I am not mistaken the system is using a ghostwriter filter that generically addresses Epson Stylus Color printers (I have tried all sorts of earlier drivers and generic options within this.)
When you go to the setup and configuration there is no auto detect of the printer and type, You must manually chose it, and when you try any form of a test print you get: "Waiting for lp0 to become ready (offline?)" If you try to test print from RHLinux Print System Manager ASCII directly you get: "Couldn't write file "dev/lp0": no such device" When I try to print from an app. I get: "lpr: lp: lp: unknown printer"
If you can spare a few seconds I would be thoroughly grateful for your thoughts.
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