Before the meeting on games, I tested pcsx2 thinking maybe I could show it. However, it was removed from rpmfusion in Fedora 30. PCSX2 is playstation 2 emulator. I have a working PS2 but the He-Man game was only released in Europe and it is region locked. The emulator finally allowed me to try the game. Since I didn't like losing that ability I've rebuilt the pcsx2 package for Fedora 30. http://identicalsoftware.com/dulsi/lzma-libs-4.32.7-21.fc30.i686.rpm http://identicalsoftware.com/dulsi/pcsx2-1.4-11.fc30.i686.rpm The src rpms are exactly the same as the files from fedora and rpmfusion. I cheated a bit in compiling the pcsx2 package. It had some errors with system headers files. Rather than create a patch to make it compile, I hacked the system header files. (It was a throw away VM because pcsx2 can't compile in 64 bit.) Feel free to grab it if you want to play PS2 games. -- Dennis Payne dulsi@identicalsoftware.com https://social.freegamedev.net/channel/dulsi