Well, about my problem in upgrading my remote server with the latest version of openssl, apache and other its need to avoid getting the error....
Just wanna tell u this, you might be need it, if not... just ignore it.... ;p
Well, at the first time, before removing the available openssl, you might have to enable the TELNET CONNECTION first.
It's better to completely remove the available openssl first, but remember to ENABLE THE TELNET CONNECTION first.
After removing the old openssl, you can not make any other SSH connection to your remote machine.
You have got to do this fast, do not let the TELNET CONNECTION enable for a long time period.
Get the latest openssl in www.openssl.com, and follow the instruction.
Dont be affraid of libcrypto.* proble.
Just configured the openssl installation with shared (./configure --prefix=/YOUR_OPENSSL_DIR_TARGET --openssldir=/YOUR_OPENSSL_DIR_TARGET shared)
That's the main idean that I would like to say, shared.
It's automatically created the latest file of libcrypto.* and other its need. Simple, make the duplicate of the needed file and create a link from a defined .so as .so asked.
Then, you can simply close the TELNET CONNECTION (using chkconfig --level 3 telnet off - Redhat) and re-enabling the ssh connection by typing /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd restart)
Good Luck...... ;p