If you installed your distribution's packages of Apache and Postgres, or other well-packaged software, it is as simple as: chkconfig httpd on chkconfig postgresql on And you can use the service command to start/stop them at any time too: service httpd start (or stop, status, restart, reload, etc.) This is all done through the magic of SysV-style initscripts: /etc/init.d /etc/rc*.d and on Red Hat systems, this is documented in: /usr/share/doc/initscripts-*/sysvinitfiles On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 03:27:47AM +0700, Aramico wrote: aramico> How can i make these things run automatically at first time of My linux boot aramico> up. -- Charles R. Anderson <cra@wpi.edu> / http://angus.ind.wpi.edu/~cra/ PGP Key ID: 49BB5886 Fingerprint: EBA3 A106 7C93 FA07 8E15 3AC2 C367 A0F9 49BB 5886