Well, I might be a little out of touch with my old-fashioned Slackware ways, but I don't think there's supposed to be a /dev/eth0. DHCP must not be working if it's not showing up in ifconfig, but try ifconfig eth0 to see if the interface exists. You can always try running dhcpcd manually, too. On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Sands Fish wrote:
Hello all, Settin' up the box I won at the last WLUG meeting. I wanna get it on the network here at work. When I watch the boot messages, I see "eth0 LANCE <mac address>" and "eth0 using auto-carrier-detection", but i don't see an entry for /dev/eth0 when i look there. I can ping the local loopback, but when I try to use DHCP in linuxconf to let it grab an address, but in ifconfig, i still only see the entry for the local loopback. Is there a different location for the eth0 device? Any hints? Anything would be appreciated. Thanx everyone.
- Sands Fish - eCommerce - telecomNOW - sands@telecomnow.com