I hope to make it. I'll have to borrow Diane's laptop. My Linux laptop makes a fine computer, but a bad television It says "Topic: Good question!" So here's my good question: I run a name server (DNS). A few days ago it started getting abut 100 requests/min from many different IP addresses all for isc.org. Why are they asking me? I believe I have it set up so that queries from inside the house are so-called "recurive"--- it searches the internet for an answer, but queries from outside are anwered only with info it already has. I am not sure if that means it only answer queries for which it authoritative, or if it also anwers if it has the data cached. I would like it to just blow off any queries for which it is not authoritative. Tell where to send mail for @keithdiane.us and not even answer otherwise. It is remarkably difficult to get it to put replies into the log file, even if it is logging the queries. Could somebody run the following and tell me the results? dig @ isc.org (that's my IP address) -- Keith