"THE" == THE HAMMER via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:
I've got a friend who is looking to get a new laptop running Windows for his wife. He's asked me what virus protection should he get. I have no idea what's good nowadays. I would guess Windows Defender is built is, but can anyone advise me as to if he should get something more?
Does she really need a Windows Laptop? Can she just get by with a Chrombook instead? Then alot of issues just go away... this is what I did for my mother-in-law and it works great. First one lastest 10 years, second one was only bought because she needed at 64bit compatible one. As for Windows Anti-virus, just use Windows Defender. But the key thing to do is to make her an non-admin user account on there. That helps block alot of problems. So if she does need to install new apps or such, she has to type the admin password in to install them. This slows things down from malicious programs. John