"Ken" == Ken Jones <kjones@ziplink.net> writes:
Ken> I've finally gotten around to fixing my SPARC ULTRA 1 machine. Ken> It's cpu fan is fried. I have a SPARC ULTRA 1 CREATOR that works Ken> with UBUNTU linux but I never got X-WINDOWS working on it. The Ken> working SPARC has been my home file server for all these many Ken> years. It had Aurora Linux with X all working fine. I figured I Ken> would do some swapping. Ken> Although the outsides are identical the two machines differ Ken> inside. The CREATOR has no cpu fan - just cooling fins. Good, I Ken> guess. I had no Service Manuals for either machine so I went to Ken> Wikipedia. It has the manuals. It also said, "The Ultra 1 Ken> Creator3D 170E launched in November 1995 with a list price of Ken> US$27,995." WOW!! Heh, I'm not suprised. We had an Encore Multimax at WPI way back when. $250k when it arrived (24 processors, 64Mb of RAM) and when it left three years later, we sold it for $25k. Talk about depreciation! Ken> QUESTION: If I move from the ULTRA1 to the ULTRA1 CREATOR the Ken> SIMMs in bank one and the hard drive should everything come up Ken> per before the crash? Probably. The only real difference is the graphics card in there, and that you're going up 30Mhz in speed to 170Mhz. Blinding. Again, I'd probably start seriously thiniing about moving to newer hardware, esp since you can get stuff without any moving parts which will be so much faster. But hey, I understand the joy of old hardware that just runs and runs and runs... Ken> Thanks for thinking about this. Twenty Seven Thousand Bucks WOW!! Thank you Mr. Moore!