Since it's been quite here on the e-list, I figured I'd ask a non-technical question?
Can anyone recommend a good contact/address book program for off line use? One that has a good export/back up function (preferably backing up as text) I've google searched it, and did not get far with that.
A couple years ago, I found myself asking the same question; I was looking for a simple stand-alone program that stored data in an .ics file (or at the very least, had the ability to export to ics). KDE's Kontact application used to fit this description. KDE 4 did away with this when they introduce akonadi, a suite a services that functions as a personal information manager. With all due respect, akonadi was way too big a hammer for my needs. I ended up turning my address book into an org [1] file. It's text, I can keep it in a git repository, and it satisfies my basic needs. Steve [1] http://orgmode.org/