Over the past n years, I have gone from a few RH boxes sitting on the ping-pong table in the basement running sendmail, apache, dns, etc., all the way to paying XO $20 a month for everything. While running what amounted to my own "ISP" was fun for a while, not running one turns out to be even more fun! ;-)
Not having to pay the additional fees for static IP / bandwidth, etc., more than compensates for paying XO. But...
If you've got a personal connection for a colo type setup and need/want to be able to do whatever you want without having to think about how a provider's rules might constrain you, then that's the way to go.
Most providers have reasonably priced options for everything up to e-commerce, and you don't have to worry about backup, powerfail, redundant high-speed connections, etc., etc., but you have to play by their rules...
On another note... I'm not as happy with XO as I once was...
Has anyone looked at Google's hosting?
On 9/12/07, Jared Greenwald <greenwaldjared@gmail.com> wrote:
What about godaddy or something like that? I've been thinking about
setting up a server at home here, but not sure if I should just go
with a hosted solution or not...
On 9/12/07, Aaron Haviland <orion@parsed.net> wrote:
> Jamie Guinan wrote, on Sep 11, 2007 at 22:32 EDT:
> >
> > I ended up doing a (rather pricey) full colo, but if I had gone
> > with shared hosting, these guys[1] looked interesting,
> >
> > http://linode.com/
> >
> > -Jamie
> >
> > [1] When I read about it, I got the impression that it is mostly
> > one rather smart dude behind it.
> Caker *is* a smart dude. Now he has two employees helping him.
> I've been with them since their first month of public operation. I think
> I'm customer #7 or somesuch. Through periodic upgrades that they give
> out, what was once a Linode 128 is now a Linode 600 (the number refers
> to the amount of RAM in the plan). (i.e., they upgrade your plan as
> their capacity increases, instead of making you pay more for it. We've
> already had two upgrades this year.)
> It's all based on UserMode Linux.
> Stop by #linode on irc.oftc.net. Tell 'em guinea-pig sent ya' :)
> --
> Aaron Haviland
> 34 Wayne Ave, Dudley, MA home: [508] 943 - 7974
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> =Tl++
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Stephen C. Daukas
Engineer, Geoscientist,
Environmental Analyst
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