"hammerron" == hammerron via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:
hammerron> I recently got a Dell notebook/laptop. It is smaller than hammerron> a typical lap top (notebook?) and is very light in weight. hammerron> The hard drive is only 28 GB ! It currently runs Windows 10 hammerron> and has only 4 GB of free space on the hard drive. It hammerron> seems to just hang, if I try to update the Windows 10. Are you sure it's an SSD in there? It might be eMMC if it's a Chromebook like device, which is possibly sounds like. But as someone else said, the dell support site is really good. If it's an SSD in there, just moving to bigger one might be the way to go, they're pretty cheap these days at the smaller sizes. hammerron> I am thinking of attempting to install Xubuntu to see if it hammerron> runs. Tried Puppy Linux (a light weight distro) before and hammerron> think I'd like to go differently. I got the machine for hammerron> free so will not be disappointed if this goes nowhere. If hammerron> anyone has any ideas I'm all ears. (I might try to do this hammerron> install tonight) With only 4gb of RAM, it's going to be crappy for web browsing. It's amazing now how my 8gb desktop slows to a crawl and starts swapping if I have firefox and shotwell and some xterms open at the same time. Ugh! Trying to make the meeting tonight, but probably won't stay long.