"Adam" == Adam Gomes <adam@unixgeek.net> writes:
Adam> I live in the middle of the woods, and I generally discourage Adam> the use of things like bluetooth at my house. So, 2.4Ghz works Adam> ok for me. But if you actually have neighbors, and own / use a Adam> microwave oven, and use bluetooth gadgetry, and any other number Adam> of things that can / do emit into the 2.4Ghz spectrum, I have to Adam> agree with Frank. Put your 11n traffic into the 5Ghz space, and Adam> leave everyone else in the 2.4Ghz space. 2.4Ghz is noisy and Adam> crowded and just not a lot of fun. Adam> I have a long list of funny / disheartening storries about Adam> 2.4Ghz and wifi at a number of my employer's locations .... Adam> Frank, good point too about the channel width. And 802.11ac puts Adam> 80 and 160 Mhz channels on the horizon .. but ... who gives a Adam> hoot, when (if you choose to play nice with others) you still Adam> have to honor those neighbors of your using the 20Mhz channel Adam> width? Adam> Ugh, wireless can be such a head ache. Dude, John, just run some Adam> cables. Actually, that's what I ended up doing last night, once I figured out that spending $150 for a new router (which I'd have to wait for to arrive from the egg...) wasn't going to work as well as just pulling 70' of cable. So now the wife is running at GigE speeds internally, and she seems a little bit happier. I'll know more tonight since I just got it working this morning. John