John Stoffel via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:
So it might be a really good thing for us to show some of this, along with some of the basic apps.
- web browser - inkscape - gimp - libre office
Basic productivity which most people would want to use.
I guess what counts as productivity depends upon what you want to produce. I need a web browser (Firefox) to learn about stuff and get it. Is there any reason to prefer one over another? I didn't know what inkscape is. Googled it (with browser). It looks like it might be fun to play with, but is it "productivity"? I have used gimp years ago, mostly to make party invitations with logo and map. I might have used inkscape if I knew about it at the time. Office, I have heard, can read Microsoft Office documents, which is something I refuse to do. Years ago I filtered out a lot of stupid spam by setting the SMTP server to reject anything with an attached MS-Word file. I think it still does that, but nobody sends them anymore. I'm hoping it follows Adobe shockwave flash web pages into oblivion. Besides the browser, my "productivity apps" are: -- emacs. There may be other ASCII editors, but how can one produce _anything_ without _some_ editor? -- gcc. I am interested in the Scheme programming language, but I need a C compiler (and make) to make the Scheme interpreter, and everything else. -- evince. A *.pdf reader. If I download a journal article, it's a PDF. -- TeX, LaTeX. To make my own article.pdf. -- Postfix, Apache. That's the way I roll. Others might think Facebook is a good substitute. Phltt! This conversation started with a link to a Video. How do you make a video? You get the raw material from a video camera/"phone", but what software should I use to cut and paste, maybe enlarge and crop? -- Keith