Tom, Your comments indicate a distinct need. For now, you might be interested in checking out my sample commented smb.conf file at: http://www.linuxchamps.com/docs/samba/smbconf.html I'm not a samba expert by any means, but have been enough around the block with it to make it work. HTH. On Monday, May 7, 2001 8:27 AM, Thomas Carey <tcarey70@hotmail.com> wrote:
Andy, The Firewall topic sounds great. First off, I am a newbie (been toying around with Linux for the last year and a half off and on), and want to increase my Linux knowledge. I have been successful in setting up Linux as a web server, and as an FTP server. The one thing I have been unable to get working is Samba file and print services. I would love to have someone show me the proper way to get this up and running. I am currently using RH7 (for the server), and Win98SE for the client machine. I would be willing to bring those machines, as well as a small hub for us to work on. This is a feature of Linux that I really want to use. Thanks for your time. Tom Carey
-- Peter Gutowski <peter@linuxchamps.com> // tel.: (413) 587-3957 "When in company, put not your hands to any part of the body not usually discovered." --George Washington, _Rules for Civility and Decent Behavior_